- 國立政治大學亞太研究博士學位學程博士(2015)
- 美國加州Stanford大學東亞研究所碩士(2009)
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- 亞太安全合作理事會中華民國委員會 (CSCAP Taiwan) 專案秘書(2011/3-2013/2)
- 新台灣國策智庫研究專員(2010/1-2011/2)
- 麥克阿瑟安全研究中心專案秘書(2009/9-2009/12)
- Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs總編輯(2008/9-2009/6)
- 華碩電腦全球品牌中心網路行銷專員(2005/3-2006/11)
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- 國際政治經濟學 International Political Economy
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- 社會科學方法論 Social Science Methodology
- 全球金融政治與政策 Global Financial Politics and Policies
- 全球化:理論與議題 Globalization: Theories and Issues
- 政治學 Politics
- 政治學研究方法 Research Methods of Political Science
- 政治學的基本問題 Basic Issues in Political Science
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2021. Configuring The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Power, Interests and Status (England, UK: Routledge). ISBN: 9781138350359.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen and Kayden Yi-hsun Wu. (forthcoming). “Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit: Inconsistencies in Taiwan Legislators’ Positions on Importing US Meat.” Japanese Journal of Political Science.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2023. “Trading for Survival: Trade Policy as a Credible Signal, Alliance Strategy, and Public Preferences in Taiwan.” Review of International Political Economy, doi: 10.1080/09692290.2023.2190922.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2023. “China and India’s COVID-19 Vaccine Diplomacy and Health Security Partnerships in Southeast Asia.” Contemporary Southeast Asia, 45(2): 193-215.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2023. “China’s Economic Initiatives and their Impact on Environmental Governance of Global Infrastructure Projects.” International Journal of China Studies, 14(1): 1-27.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2023. “Cross-Border Threats, Reputational Costs and the Evolution of an Authoritarian Club: The Case of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.” Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs, 10(2): 223-248.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2023. “The Czech Republic’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and the Challenges and Opportunities for Taiwan in Europe.” Taiwan Strategists, (17): 37-56.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2022. “The Crisis of COVID-19 and the Political Economy of China’s Vaccine Diplomacy.” Foreign Policy Analysis, 18(3): orac014.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2021. “Biden’s Alliance Security Dilemma.” Asia-Pacific Perspectives, (2): 10-14.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2021. “Book review: Asymmetrical Neighbors: Borderland State Building Between China and Southeast Asia. By Enze Han. New York: Oxford University Press.” The China Journal, (85): 209-210.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2020. “China’s Status Deficit and the Debut of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.” The Pacific Review, 33(5): 697-727.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2020. “U.S.-China Trade War and Decoupling from China in the Biden Era.” Taiwan Strategists, (8): 21-40.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2019. “Book review: China as a Polar Great Power. By Anne-Marie Brady. New York: Cambridge University Press.” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 19(2): 357-359.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2018. “European participation in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Making strategic choice and seeking economic opportunities.” Asia Europe Journal, 16(4): 297-315.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2018. “Debating Southeast Asia-China relations: Simulations and applications of multiple theories (爭辯中的東南亞與中國關係:理論多元論的模擬與應用).” Thought and Words (思與言), 56(4): 195-237. (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2018. “China’s Economic Offensive and Its Discontent in Southeast Asia: Diminishing Footprints in Myanmar.” In China’s Footprints in Southeast Asia, edited by Maria Serena I. Diokno and Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (Singapore: National University of Singapore Press): 63-89.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2018. “Taiwanese Allies Are for Rent, Not for Sale: The Political Economy of Breaking a Diplomatic Relationship (只租不賣的臺灣友邦:斷交政治經濟學).” Wenti Yu Yanjiu (問題與研究), 57(3): 139-151. (in Chinese)
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen and Da-chi Liao. 2018. “The rise of the New Power Party in Taiwan’s 2016 legislative election: reality and challenges.” In Taiwan’s Political Re-Alignment and Diplomatic Challenges, edited by Wei-Chin Lee (London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan): 71-96.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2017. “The current state and challenges for Chinese engagement with Asia (中国によるアジア経済戦略の現状と挑戦).” Issues & Studies (問題と研究), 46(4): 53-84. (in Japanese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2017. “Book review: China Dreams: China’s New Leadership and Future Impacts. By Chih-Shian Lios and Arthur S. Ding eds. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific.” Mainland China Studies (中國大陸研究), 60(2): 109-111.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2017. “Trump’s actions speak louder than his words: Reversal of Trump’s China policy after assuming the presidency.” Prospect Journal (17): 25-58.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2017. “Balance of payment and international conflicts (國際收支與國際衝突).” In Studies of Peace and Conflicts: New Theoretical Perspectives (和平與衝突研究:理論新視野), edited by Chih-mao Tang (湯智貿), (Taipei: Wunan): 61-82 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2016. “Is China a challenger? The predicament of China’s reformist initiatives in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.” Mainland China Studies (中國大陸研究), 59(3): 83-109.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2015. “Divergence of economic development and regional integration performance: Challenges for ASEAN Economic Community (經濟發展差異與區域整合成效:東協經濟共同體的挑戰).” Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (台灣東南亞學刊), 10(3): 45-72. (in Chinese).
- Yang, Alan Hao, Ian Tsung-yen Chen and Hwei-luan Poong. 2015. “Reconfiguring social capital in the making of track II diplomacy: A case study of Taipei-Seoul Forum.” Issues and Studies, 51(4): 143-172.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2015. “Building a capital of green economy for Wunlin (打造雲林為綠色經濟之都).” In Bluebook for Wunlin’s Economic Development (雲林經濟發展藍皮書), edited by Chen-yuan Tung and Chia-Chun Chang, (Taipei: DrSmart Press): 23-43 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2015. “Political systems and financial reform process: A comparative study of China, Taiwan, and New Zealand.” In Asian Leadership in Policy and Governance, edited by Evan Berman and Shamsul Haque, (UK: Emerald): 345-375.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2014. “Balance of payments and power: Assessing China’s global and regional interdependence relationship.” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 14(2): 271-302.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen and Alan Hao Yang. 2013. “A harmonized Southeast Asia? Explanatory typologies of ASEAN countries’ strategies to the rise of China.” The Pacific Review, 26(3): 265-288.
- Yang, Alan Hao and Ian Tsung-yen Chen. 2012. “The politics of foreign aid: A positive contribution to Asian economic growth?” Jurnal Global dan Strategis (Journal of Global & Strategic), 6(2): 231-245.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2009. “Soft power rules in East Asia.” Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs, (9, Winter): 13-17.
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2022. “The Prospects of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade.” Prospects & Perspectives, (38, July 8).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2021. “Power analysis of Chinese political economic influence after five years of the debut of the AIIB (亞投行滿五年後中國政經影響權力分析).” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (166, February): 39-47 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Tsung-yen Chen, Wei-Lin Jaylene Fu and Ya-Ting Lin. 2019. “U.S.-China-Taiwan Relationship under the Indo-Pacific Strategy (印太戰略下的美中台關係).” Journal of Asian Political Economy and Peace Study (亞洲政經與和平研究), (debut issue, April): 15-21.
- Chen, Tsung-yen Chen and Ya-Ting Lin. 2019. “Analyzing the transfer of power in Malaysia and Malaysia-China relations (馬來西亞政權轉移與馬中關係之評析).” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (153, January): 28-36 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2017. “The current progress and future prospect of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (亞投行的進展與未來展望).” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (145, May): 55-62 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2015. “Performance evaluation and response strategy for Taiwan’s participating Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (台灣參與亞投行的效益評估與因應策略).” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (123, July): 21-28 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2015. “Kokang conflict and its influence on Sino-Myanmar relations (緬甸果敢衝突對中緬關係的影響).” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (120, April): 28-35 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2014. “The development and challenges of ASEAN Economic Community (東協經濟共同體的發展與挑戰)” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (116, December): 57-64 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2012. “Examining ASEAN’s internal and external economic and trade relations through the ASEAN summit (從東協高峰會看東協內外經貿關係)” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (92, December): 21-29 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2011. “China–Japan–South Korea trilateral summit and its regional implication (中-日-韓領導人會議與東北亞整合發展).” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (79, November): 28-36 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2011. “From debt-collecting to bailing out in Europe (從討債到救債的歐洲).” The Global Studies Journal (國際關係研究月刊), (5, November): 110-114 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2011. “Coercion and performance: The Singaporean equilibrium (壓迫與績效:新加坡的均衡).” The Global Studies Journal (國際關係研究月刊), (4, September): 152-157 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2011. “Terrorism in post-bin Ladan era (後賓拉登時代的恐怖主義).” The Global Studies Journal (國際關係研究月刊), (3, July): 208-221 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2011. “Crisis and opportunities: Politics, economics and international organizations (災難與契機:政治、經濟、國際組織).” The Global Studies Journal (國際關係研究月刊), (2, June): 161-164 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2011. “Jasmine Revolution and its impact on global political economy (北非革命的全球政治經濟影響).” The Global Studies Journal (國際關係研究月刊), (1, April): 129-131 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2011. “Japan’s nuclear crisis and world reactions (日本核災與國際社會).” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (72, April): 63-71 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2010. “International politics of anti-rising China alliance (抵制中國崛起的國際政治).” Contemporary Monthly (當代雜誌), (244/245, October/November): 113-119 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2009. “International monetary power and US-China relations (國際金融權力與美中關係).” Strategic and Security Analyses (戰略安全研析), (56, December): 21-26 (in Chinese).
- Chen, Ian Tsung-yen. 2006. “UN reform and the development of international community (聯合國的改革與國際社會的發展).” Forum of New Century Institute (新世紀智庫論壇), (33, March): 90-98 (in Chinese).
- Global implementation of Basel Accord: A theory of political pressures for global bank regulation. Ph.D. Dissertation, International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014.
– Won the Awards for Writing Ph.D. Dissertation in Humanities and Social Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2014-2015, (MOST 103-2420-H-004-024-DR). - Eradicating separatism: China’s intentions in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. M.A. Thesis, Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University, California, 2009.
- 計畫名稱:外交承認多樣性與台灣對外關係的政治經濟學,1970–2020
執行期間:2023/8/1-2025/7/31 - 計畫名稱:換了位子就換了腦袋?比較台灣與韓國國會議員的經濟政策偏好
執行期間:2021/8/1-2023/7/31 - 計畫名稱:「一帶一路」的政治經濟學:重塑地緣政治、區域經濟與治理規範的中華帝國主義?
執行期間:2018/8/1-2021/7/31 - 計畫名稱:亞投行的誕生:國際金融體系的改革者、挑戰者還是貢獻者?
- 優秀年輕學者研究計畫,2030 跨世代年輕學者方案(2023-2025)
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- 教學優良課程:社會科學方法論(學期:11101)
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- 獎助參與德國Tübingen大學主辦The Third Young Scholars Workshop, Germany(2015/6)
- 獎助參與日本京都大學主辦Southeast Asia Seminar on “Connectivity in Southeast Asia”, Siem Reap, Cambodia(2014/11)
- 獲選青年戰略家並參與IISS-SAIS Merrill Center Young Strategists Programme in Security & Geoeconomics, Bellagio, Italy(2013/7)
- 獲獎Outstanding Author Contribution, Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence(2016)
- 獲獎Prestage-Cook Award, 80th Annual Conference of the Southern Political Science Association(2009)
- 獲選參與Ambassador Program, Formosa Foundation, Washington DC(2008/6)
- 獲獎2005年「新世紀聯合國獎」徵文比賽第四名,台灣新世紀文教基金會(2006)
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